The 2023 CAA Norway conference, in association with INTERaction, KHM/UiO and UM/UiB, will take place in Bergen on 8th November 2023.
Details, abstracts, and a sign-up form may be found here.
As part of the conference, CAA Sweden will, once again, hold a long-overdue General Meeting for the chapter at 14:35 on 8th November, in accordance with our constitution. The meeting will take place over Zoom and is open to all members and conference participants. Attendance of the conference is not required to attend the CAA Sweden meeting.
The focus of the General Meeting will be the election of a new Steering Committee. The present committee has so far received nominations on behalf of, and proposes, the following candidates:
- Chair: Jane Jansen
- Secretary: Bengt Westergaard
- Officer: Sebastian Liahaugen
- Ancillary officer: Marcus Smith
- Student officer: Alexander Röstberg
- Kristina Martinelle
N.b. that this reflects the nominations we have received so far. However, we are keen that officers of the steering committee should come from a representative variety of organisations and institutions; additional nominations will be accepted at the meeting, and the candidates put to a vote. If you are interested in becoming involved in i CAA-SE, please don’t hesitate to get in touch prior to the meeting, or make a nomination at the meeting itself.