Category Archives: Uncategorized

CAA Sweden bjuder in till Seminarium: Digital Arkeologi Datum: 21 november 2024 Plats: Bifrost, Röda Salen, Historiska Museet i Stockholm Ingång från Storgatan 41 Arrangör: CAA Sweden Kära kollegor och studenter, Vi har nöjet att bjuda in er till ett spännande seminarium som anordnas av CAA Sweden … Continue reading

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Ny Styrelse 2023

Vid CAA-SE–mötet vid CAA Norge konferensen 2023-11-08 valdes in en ny styrelse. Den nya styrelsen består av:

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CAA Norway Conference 2023

The 2023 CAA Norway conference, in association with INTERaction, KHM/UiO and UM/UiB, will take place in Bergen on 8th November 2023. Details, abstracts, and a sign-up form may be found here. As part of the conference, CAA Sweden will, once … Continue reading

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CAA-Nordic Conference 2020

CAA-Nordic, hosted by CAA Norway in collaboration with CAA-Denmark and CAA-Sweden, will be taking place online 8–9th October 2020. The conference format will be via Zoom webinar. Questions for each presenter can be given in two formats. During each presentation … Continue reading

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CAA-Nordic Conference 2020

CAA Norway will be hosting a CAA-Nordic conference in Oslo, 8–9th October 2020. This conference is in collaboration with CAA-Denmark and CAA-Sweden to provide a wider platform for ideas and knowledge exchange. A call for papers is now open; contributions … Continue reading

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CAA-SE konferens 2017

CAA-SE 2017: Göteborg 8-10 november Sista anmälan 29 oktober.

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