CAA Sweden bjuder in till Seminarium: Digital Arkeologi

Datum: 21 november 2024 kl. 9 – 16.

Plats: Bifrost, Röda Salen, Historiska Museet i Stockholm

Ingång från Storgatan 41

Arrangör: CAA Sweden

Kära kollegor och studenter,

Vi har nöjet att bjuda in er till ett spännande seminarium som anordnas av CAA Sweden den 21 november 2024, Bifrost, Röda Salen vid Historiska museet i Stockholm. Detta seminarium syftar till att samla yrkesverksamma och studenter inom arkeologi, matematik och datavetenskap för att främja kommunikation, dela aktuell forskning och stimulera till diskussion och för framtida framsteg.

Läs mer här!

In English, follow this link:

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Ny Styrelse 2023

Vid CAA-SE–mötet vid CAA Norge konferensen 2023-11-08 valdes in en ny styrelse. Den nya styrelsen består av:

  • Ordförande: Jane Jansen
  • Sekreterare: Bengt Westergaard
  • Ledamot: Kristina Martinelle
  • Studeranderepresentant: Alexander Röstberg
  • Suppleant: Sebastian Liahaugen
  • Suppleant: Marcus Smith
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CAA Norway Conference 2023

The 2023 CAA Norway conference, in association with INTERaction, KHM/UiO and UM/UiB, will take place in Bergen on 8th November 2023.

Details, abstracts, and a sign-up form may be found here.

As part of the conference, CAA Sweden will, once again, hold a long-overdue General Meeting for the chapter at 14:35 on 8th November, in accordance with our constitution. The meeting will take place over Zoom and is open to all members and conference participants. Attendance of the conference is not required to attend the CAA Sweden meeting.

The focus of the General Meeting will be the election of a new Steering Committee. The present committee has so far received nominations on behalf of, and proposes, the following candidates:

  • Chair: Jane Jansen
  • Secretary: Bengt Westergaard
  • Officer: Sebastian Liahaugen
  • Ancillary officer: Marcus Smith
  • Student officer: Alexander Röstberg
  • Kristina Martinelle

N.b. that this reflects the nominations we have received so far. However, we are keen that officers of the steering committee should come from a representative variety of organisations and institutions; additional nominations will be accepted at the meeting, and the candidates put to a vote. If you are interested in becoming involved in i CAA-SE, please don’t hesitate to get in touch prior to the meeting, or make a nomination at the meeting itself.

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CAA-Nordic Conference 2020

CAA-Nordic, hosted by CAA Norway in collaboration with CAA-Denmark and CAA-Sweden, will be taking place online 8–9th October 2020.

The conference format will be via Zoom webinar. Questions for each presenter can be given in two formats. During each presentation of 15 minutes, questions can be posted in the chat function, which will be read by the session leader. Alternatively, in the discussion slot of 5 minutes after each presentation, oral questions can be asked to the presenter. Please help the conference keep to the schedule.

In each break participants are very welcome to discuss topics relating to the conference.

For the conference participation, a link (and thus password) will be sent out to all those registered.

As part of the conference, CAA Sweden will hold a long-overdue General Meeting for the chapter on the Thursday afternoon (2:30pm, 8th October), in accordance with our constitution.

More information, including registration, at CAA Norway.

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CAA-Nordic Conference 2020

CAA Norway will be hosting a CAA-Nordic conference in Oslo, 8–9th October 2020. This conference is in collaboration with CAA-Denmark and CAA-Sweden to provide a wider platform for ideas and knowledge exchange.

A call for papers is now open; contributions from the Nordic region are welcome on the themes of digital archaeology in research and heritage management and quantitative methods.

We welcome a broad range of papers within this theme, including remote sensing, 3D in archaeology, new technology, public outreach, scientific analysis, data handling including big data, and GIS applications.

Abstracts of 2–3000 words on the above topics may be submitted via

As part of the conference, CAA Sweden will hold a long-overdue General Meeting for the chapter, in accordance with our constitution.

Conference registration will be opened in the coming weeks.

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CAA-SE konferens 2017

CAA-SE 2017: Göteborg 8-10 november

Sista anmälan 29 oktober.

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